Simple Things

"Full Tummys are happy tummys" quoted from Maliea Sometimes what we need is the little simple things that fill our soul. A bowl of steamed brown rice and a glass of water, the scent of pink flowers in the early morn when the dew is still on the leaves or sitting laughing with a friend over nothing really important at all. What simple thing fills you?
Hi Tracie!
Thanks for sending me info on how the resizer. Haven't tried it yet. Got to your website from link at bottom of your email, not through typing it in the address bar. Your page looks nice, very nice! Hope you get this comment. Let me know, Cindy
Ummm... You're wierd! But I still love you and that is what makes you- YOU! Ginny
Simple things that fill me... listening to my children laugh, watching my clients grow by leaps and bounds in such short amounts of time, walking barefoot on clean floors, morning snuggle time, smelling soap with my best friend! Reaching for and touching my Soul!
the barefoot on clean floors was in my gratitude journal! The sniffing oils is good too! Love You.
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