6 years ago on May 13 a little girl was born

Every birthday that Lydia has is a special one...that's just the way it is. Sunday we also celebrated her turning 6 years old. I found a book and the "I hope you dance" song to give to her. It's her song and the Spirit spoke to me through that song telling me to hold on and to give faith a chance when 6 years ago I didn't think that there was any. The last page has a girl all grown up dancing on her wedding day! I hope and pray for that. Through Lydia I have seen and learned to believe in miracles. The fact that they can happen everyday to ordinary people. She has touched so many lives and has brought a grace with her that blesses our lives every day. I know that God does watch out for us, I have experienced too much, had many angels support me and many many amazing 'not of this world' happenings to not believe. And while she still struggles and is in alot of pain on most days, she keeps smiling and we keep on this journey!
I am so grateful for the life of Lydia. She has touched my life in so many ways! I LOVE YOU LYDIA and Happy Birthday!
Dearest Lydia,
When I think of your birthday I think of catching the placenta in a bowl with my feet while pumping air into your lungs, paramedics who just watched, a woman running out of the bathroom in shock at an Anthem gas station, old men fishing in urinals, appreciating Harold greatly, happy furniture at the RM house, and laughing for weeks with your mom (unless we were eating). I love you, your dedication to being on this earth, and the joyful child you have grown into!
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