Tuesday, August 16, 2005

flashing light district

There is something always happening around here.
We are settling down to enjoy our first night in our new home, and all of a sudden bright as the sun, beams of light come through the window. Next we notice the flashing of orange and red lights. Apparently for the next year the stretch of highway in front of our perfect home is under going construction. The workers were nice enough to redirect the very very large lights away from our window, but the flashing lights will be an interesting addition to our so "restful" nights. On the positive side, perhaps the traffic will be less.
My very sweet husband needs new glasses I believe. This evening he told me he was going out to shut the windows of the truck. Next thing I hear is what sounds like half the house falling down. Guess large logs don't hold up to being hit with Dodge Ram pickup trucks. Okay it wasn't the house, just the support logs to the carport. We then spent a little bit of time placing the logs back into their proper positions. I think for his birthday we will consider back-up beepers or maybe instructions on how to roll up windows on the truck.
Never a dull moment!


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