Friday, February 10, 2006

Over the edge

Riddle: What do a gallon of bleach, an ex -husband, crying teenager and a flood have in common?
Answer: My evening
Mark called this evening to tell me he's buying a house, marrying the girlfriend and to give me the exact date he will file to stop Maliea's child support, so he can better afford the new house and wife with three children.
The sewer overflowed all over the entire bottom floor of both bathrooms.
That equaled a very nice plumber who got paid double time
hence the gallon of bleach to clean up the nasty sewage that had proceeded to creep every where.
Meanwhile middle daughter is very upset because she thinks that her and her siblings weren't "good" enough for Mark to be a decent human being.
I can't think of any good ideas for ten centerpieces based on futuristic design for a banquet at the end of the month.
Yesterday I bought doughnuts that had bugs flying around in the box and cheese that was completely molded in the package when I opened it for dinner.
I think the nervous breakdown just got 3 months.
So once again rescheduled for when I am 91 3/4 years old.


At 9:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there Tracie, just because he's going to file doesn't mean he's going to get what he wants.In most states I know child support can be dropped when a child reaches 18yrs. but I don't know if that holds true if they have a medical condition. Tell my sweet and beautiful grandchildren that it has nothing to do with how good they are. As an adult he's made his own selfish choices without regard of any one else. They are wonderful children and did not cause or influence any of his actions either in the past or present. I love you all! Nana P.S. sorry about the sewer,probably caused by all the construction. Love Ya


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