The Victim
Details are sketchy but we found the body yesterday. Michael discover him head down across the street near the corner of Rosser and Hwy 89. The first sighting of the body occurred early yesterday morning when Michael went to talk to the construction foreman about the driveway. There he was right by the foreman's foot but Michael couldn't get to him. The next occurred as Michael was stopped at the light later in the day. It was 11:00 pm last night when Michael finally told me that he had spotted the victim. I couldn't believe he had just left him out by the road so I made him go get the body and bring it in.
There are some serious questions that still have to be answered. How could he have been out there for a few months and not have any mud or other serious signs of dirt anywhere on him? We know the approximate day that he must have met his fate. Some of his body adornments were mangled but his body is in amazing good shape considering what he should look like after all this time. There is not a broken appendage and his head is completely intact. We have been reviewing the photo of the others who were at our house the day of the disappearance. His description doesn't match any of the photos we have but we know he was here.
Our best guess about the accident was that he was tossed out the window of a moving car.
If you were at our home on a Friday morning early in December and have any information about this crime... please make a comment immediately. The victim has red hair, dark brown skin tone and has the remnants of blue shoes. Unfortunately the facial features are unrecognizable. Due to the sensitive nature of the crime we are still considering if it is appropriate to post morgue photos.
Haven you taken your medication today?
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