Sunday, July 16, 2006

On Friday morning Chaiya left for a 7 mile hike and then off to camp and Maliea followed to camp on Saturday morning. The powers that be let Maliea go this year even though she is over 18. That was really nice! She has hit that awful transition age and we have no clue where it is all going. I need to trust more that she will find her way and it will be just perfect for her.
So Michael is working a side job doing concrete forms and Home Depot and that leaves me, Quayde and the little ones to our own devices. We snuck out of the house late last night before Target closed and had fun buying things like playdough and flying toys. We found we can sit on our porch at night and its so dark that the glow in the dark necklaces we have can be whipped around and make all kinds of wild and fun shapes. Thayne has figured out how to stand up in the middle of the floor by himself and then he laughs sooooo hard he falls back down. It's been fun watching him accomplished all the little things.
Okay latest place to go on the web It's about feeling good about yourself and not falling into the I'm a drudge thing that happens sometimes.
My best friend left to go to another Hendricks certification! Soon she will need a wall just for all the things she is certified in. Have fun in CA Kristi!!!! I know she said its for work but I think CA minus kids plus shopping sounds like fun to me.
Got a whole lot of portfolio pictures put into an album to show brides to be but still have lots of work to do. Need to update/re-do some of my website pages. My August weddings all have black in them hummmm and one is outside.
We are going to have fun today and maybe go to the arts and crafts fair on the square.


At 9:55 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

Hi Trac! You are right, this is fun! We are staying in a fabulous suite with an ocean view, huge comfy beds and a living room. The weather is a cool 73 degrees and the drive was so easy we got here 2 1/2 hours before we thought we were going to... and that was after spending 2 hours at the huge outlet by Palm Springs. Of course we haven't started any training yet...but it's the Hendricks so that means fun! I love you!


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