Thursday, September 01, 2005

Truffla Trees

As we meandered our way back to our abode this afternoon, the sharp contrast of landscape to our home caught all of our view. The trees, the trees, the wonderful trees! It seems the Eminent Domain law took over at quite a rapid rate. Bull dozers and other grandiose equipment were hard at work while we were gone. A good acre of the preserve to the south and all the trees that once stood betwixt the road and our front yard have been eliminated. Quayde stood soberly at the fence surveying the loss, feeling sadness and anger. Our landlord has apparently been trying to fight this event for years but what the government desires, the government acquires. The backyard will remain intact, thank goodness! It will be intriguing to find out where our driveway will deposited after all is said and done. Dr. Suess is one of my heroes. May we all develop our unique gifts to bless the world and fulfill our missions in creative and fun ways. I expect the coyotes and the other creatures are not very pleased.


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