I have been following the news story on the Pennsylvania teens that went wrong. Mostly it deeply disturbs me that these parents truly made the best choices that they believed for their children and now because of a 14 yo girl who thought sneaking out to be with her boyfriend was a better choice..her parents are dead and her community is shattered. It makes me angry and it makes me very sad.
I have a 14 yo girl, I probably have most of the same "rules" as Kara Borden's parents did, we homeschool....Our lives are similar just without the boyfriend in it. I don't understand why a household would "need" 54 guns, why an 18 yo boy would have full access to all those guns or why he would purposely take several when asked to talk to her parents.
I try to find something clear in all this...the answers won't come.
I try to teach my children from the time they can understand, that every action and every choice they make in their lives affects everyone in their world. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Karma. Law of Restoration. ETC..... You can not make a choice without consequences good or bad and those actions will continue.
If any thing good has come from following this tragic story is that it has opened a dialog with my teenagers...letting them understand that who they consider friends and the activities they choose to be involved with, do impact the whole family and can impact the rest of our lives.
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