As the turkey cooks...
I am taking a miniscule break from cooking to post. The count so far is 4 pies (making 2 more tomorrow), 60 homemade rolls, 2 major sized cheese balls, 1 turkey currently cooking, 1 in the fridge all ready to be popped in the oven tomorrow morning, 6 boxes of stuffing, stuff for fruit salad, yams, green beans, corn, & cranberry sauce. Have to find the potatoes, they are under my bed somewhere. I also plan on making these really yummy pumpkin bars if I can squeeze it in. Michael and Chaiya finished building 3 benches and we have three tables fully set and ready for our guests. Even with placecards made from maple leaves with our guest names calligraphied on them. So tomorrow afternoon around 2:00pm 22 people will be feasting in my dining room and thanking the Lord for the incredible abundance we experience here in this country. You know in any other country we might need a special assembly permit with this many people :)
it's 11pm...and although we aren't having 22 people...I'm enjoying that I'm putting off to tomorrow what I could be doing tonight. :) Tonight I sent 2 of my babes to their dad in Phx...sigh...feeling a bit torn and sad about that thought. I've got 2 babes still here...thus putting off to tomorrow since I have help cleaning and cooking...and guests are not eating til 5:30. :)
LOVE YOU TRACIE!!! Best friends, that is one of the happiest gratitudes of my life!
I wish I could be there!
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