Tuesday, November 22, 2005

once again

On Friday, my ex husband chose once again to be disrespectful. I would think after being divorced for 9 years that it wouldn't still drive me crazy but it does. My children went for their visit, a first since the July visit to their grandparents. Mark has a new girlfriend, YES he is at least seeing another girl. She is putting pressure on Mark to have the kids more. Chaiya and Maliea were completely silent for the whole ride home after I picked them up. Quayde did nothing but played video games for 2 days, so of course he was fine.
After about an hour both of the girls said they wished not to ever visit him again.
SO>> Tonight Mark calls wanting to know if the kids can come stay for New Years and 2 days after. I got brave and told him that I would need to discuss it with the kids but for now they did not want to spend time with him. He has no clue about reality. If it is not a beer or a karoke machine, he just doesn't get it.
On to Thanksgiving prep! Michael and Chaiya are building benches so we have enough seating for everyone and they are working hard. Costco is busy baking my pies. The oven in our home is making the rolls; put a spell on it and they are coming out well. Picked up a couple of turkeys for .45 a lb at Bashas and they are gently defrosting in the refrigerator. Since nothing else fits in there now , the children are going to be quite hungry by Thanksgiving dinner.
Got my first solicitor call about my website. They wanted to "sell" me 25 key words for only $49.95 a month. So I could be on the first or second page of a google or yahoo search. That is an incredibly large amount of money for absolutely nothing. I already have listing through WedPlan and several others that if you are looking for a wedding planner in Prescott Arizona ...by golly you can find me on that first page. I was naive to have not realized how many bloodsucking solicitors are out there wanting my money.
Evening tasks are calling....shots for Maliea, suctioning for Lydia.. and nightly family read of the latest Harry Potter book. The 4th movie was incredible but we wanted more of it of course.


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