Saturday was crazy. My sister called with a message from a teenage girl wanting to know when we were arriving to set up chair covers for her sister's quincenera. I hadn't ever heard back from these people after our original call three weeks earlier. NO Contract, NO anything. So I quickly called her to find out what was going on. She wanted 200 chair covers with pink. I had 160 on hand of one style and 125 of the other. I told her we would do the best we could. Of course I only had 80 pink sashes. 2 hours later we had pretty chairs with every other one with a white sash. Shawna came and helped iron them as we placed them on the chairs. I just put the full length ones along the outside and it worked! The facility didn't even have 200 chairs and they communicated with the Moose Lodge as about as well as they did with me. It was very interesting but they paid me $250 in cash.
We are just busy busy busy here. Having a wedding reception tomorrow evening that we can't decide if it will be nice enough to do outside. The backdrop which is black iron can't be seen very well with trees behind it , like they want..so I am trying to come up with a solution. If it is inside :) there's my solution! Found some really cool food umbrella's at a thrift store yesterday!! Today is all about fun and creating. I'm off (well we all knew that) ....to make beautiful stuff.
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