Tuesday, August 15, 2006

We listened to two different perspectives on slavery, the South and Civil War yesterday. Audio books are wonderful tools for homeschooling. The one called "To Be A Slave" was incredibly interesting. The authors took quotes and sources from all different people from books, Library of Congress resources etc... to compile the various narratives. Growing up out here in the West , my perspective of prejudice, civil rights, brutality etc.... was all history. When I went to meet Mark's parents for the first time in Tennessee (1987) and got stuck downtown when a Klu Klux Klan rally was about to begin, I literally went into shock for days. Are we not more educated, more intelligent, more loving? Hate is not something I ever want my children to use in their daily life. It would be wonderful if they never experienced it at all. I find that with all the politics around border patrolling and illegals that our culture just has created a new form. I think it is really fear that helps create the hate. Children learn from our example, our opinions, our way of life. If we really really want to have world peace be a possibility in our lifetime, we need to start in our homes. Is the spilt milk worth screaming over?


At 9:37 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

"Is the spilt milk worth screaming over?" Sounds like a good thing to print up and have posted as a reminder to a more loving, peaceful commitment.


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