Thursday, October 12, 2006

Love or hate

I've had a little trouble with Blogger and posting lately so here I try again.
In light of the Amish school shooting and the forgiveness of these sweet people; I have been contemplating a great deal about love and hate.
A couple of weeks ago a friend of my son Quayde was visiting and ask me if I hated President Bush. At our homeschooling group his mom has expressed strong opinions about this. I was surprised by his question as hate is not something I even think about.
My answer to him was that even if a person "deserved?" to be hated, that person would need our love , blessings, prayer and light even more than someone we liked. What good does it serve anyone or any home or any culture if we have any form of hate in our hearts? A person can not be pro peace if they even entertain hate. If we consciously incorporate Love as a daily intention towards everyone we met what a better world we could create! I truly believe hate is a learned trait, hate has to be taught. Not a single baby comes to this world with that inside. Letting go of the grudges, letting go of the emotion that creates contempt, turning to love and forgiveness should be a daily conscious process.
So this week I have been searching inside to see if I have secretly harbored any grudges or dislike that I need to release to help create a more peaceful world. 'Cause don't we all want love more than hate?


At 8:21 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

When I check in to see if I am harboring any grudges...the first person that comes ME! Thinking of the 2nd commandment ...and the 3rd...and if we could live those simple guidelines...starting with the amazingly awesome life would be.


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