Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Just for fun and wonder

I've been at a Wedding Merchants Convention for the past two days, one more day to go. So I had a few hours in between the last seminar and the banquet tonight so this is how I spent my time.
Listened to the church bells ring out the time and a song
Had a photographer from Seattle stop me on the street to share his shot with me and get my opinion.
Acquired a new Baja Fresh cup (Kristi you understand don't you?)
Had a very attractive man flirt with me as I was crossing the street and he called me a jaywalker cause the sign had already changed.
Savoured a small Cold Stone Creamery ice cream
Wondered about an old crumbling building and what it was about 50 years ago.
Marveled at how many Christmas decorations are still up around downtown Phoenix
Took several pictures of some tourists who needed that extra person so they could all be in the picture
Went into SEVERAL fancy hotels and used all their bathrooms, to compare and contrast. The Hyatt has crappy bathrooms (pun intended)
Spent 1/2 hour talking with a homeless gentleman and tried to help him feel real again.

During the banquet I learned that I am NOT a barbie doll shoe girl.
Got completely out of my comfort zone and did a conga line to the song "Hot Hot Hot"

What did you do today that was amazing?


At 7:58 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

Wow, I love it when you get the time to connect with your authentic self!
What did i do that was amazing... I hugged 10 people in my life that I appreciate and love (including you!).


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