Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Deep Trouble

Sometimes I need a mommy movie and our local library has a great selection of different documentaries and a variety of videos to borrow. On our most recent foray to the library I selected the latest version of The Stepford Wives with Nicole Kidman. As I awoke this morning, I found Lydia watching "my" movie. She is convinced I need to make colorful cupcakes like the Stepford wives make. It seems that she was highly impressed by the spotless homes and all the yummy goodies in the kitchens. I think I am probably the farthest thing from a Stepford mother! So she told me I MUST make the colorful cupcakes today and she even got out the pans.
This is the child who concerns me the most.
Lydia is so smart she is already getting on the internet and downloading games that she wants to play. She signs into Chaiya's IM and email and then Chaiya's friends believe that Chaiya is being rude by not answering them.
Lydia hides things! Her distraught siblings are coming up with all manner of their property missing. Lydia is too blame.
Yesterday she was encouraging her little brother to get into the cabinet. Thayne just has to point and try and Lydia comes to aid and abet. This is trouble. I can already foresee the future. Her brains , his height.....deep trouble!
p.s. but she is just so darn cute.


At 2:42 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

Blessings be upon you, the mother of a child with scads and scads of creative energy to channel!


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