
We awoke to lots of snow! Quayde, Zack and Lydia played outside for most of the morning, okay they played well into the afternoon. They would become all frozen then come inside warm up, find new socks to place on their hands and run right back outside. Lots of fun. Thayne played yesterday afternoon as it was falling. This morning he was a great deal more cautious about getting cold.
11 years ago in the AM when the sun was just thinking about coming over the horizon. My Quayde was born. I was thrilled with my new boy. I hadn't a clue about boys. Not sure I do now. Quayde has kept me busy. He has grown into a sweet, thoughtful and loving young man. Who decided to lose his temper this morning and get into his first fight with some kids down the road. He was more angry with himself than anything else. It was quite the lesson for him. The fighting was definitely not in his nature as he sat in the snow and cried and cried until I came for him. On this day 11 years ago, I had no idea most of his childhood I would be raising him by myself. Boys need fathers! I did an excellent job.... but Michael's presence in his life has been an incredible miracle. Quayde is a gentle soul who loves deep and thinks of others frequently. It is a honor to be his momma. We are not celebrating with a party today, that comes in a few weeks. He did get a crazy frog dvd which he was thrilled with although he had to have the volume quite loud, that makes it all the more fun.
Happy Birthday Quayde! We love you.
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