Sunday, May 28, 2006

The coming week

Well, I did have a nice long lovely post about next week that somehow I just lost, erased or something because its gone! Bummer.
So synopsis:
Nana, Lori and Becky are coming and Lydia is super excited about having them here!
Maliea may get to stop taking her nightly HGH shots we are awaiting results from the doctor on lab tests and a radiology test.
I have been looking at new books and projects to start to refill my well because you can't serve thirsty people if the well is dry. Envious of best friend who is leaving for an incredible workshop with the Hendricks!
Have meeting on Wednesday morning with man who wants us to do a surprise birthday party for his wife, guess that means we are expanding the business a little.
So next week is starting to shape up well, we might head to the Grand Canyon for a little trip while company is here. I'd love to take a side road to Flagstaff with about $200 to blow on fun shopping but its not going to happen. Maybe later this summer.
We started looking at new homes to rent... nothing is quite feeling right yet. As much as I am disappointed in the fact that my hopes for this place didn't work , I am not getting confirmation about any where new . Had another snake in the house a few days ago but the bugs have trickled down to almost nothing right now. I still love having the preserve in the back and hearing the coyotes at night. Arizona is so much a part of my blood! I am really missing gardening and all my flowers. Need to go out and work in the yard this week to feel the soil through my fingers again. Heading to bed to snuggle with that handsome husband of mine! :) I love being married to this incredible guy!

To Marissa

Marissa , screwball-you didn't say goodbye! We love you anyway. Had fun at Lynx Lake and we enjoyed meeting Dave! Remember everything IS working for your good, open yourself to possiblilty and be amazed at what you create

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Happy Birthday Maliea

Maliea and I left right after seminary and went to eat breakfast at Wildflower Bread Co. Just me and her!!! I got her baby book to present her with and the enclosed letter. I crafted a letter for this first daughter of mine when she was 3 months old to give to her on her 18th birthday. I should have done it with the others but alas I am not yet a perfect mother. We read and cried together and shared memories of her past. Maliea was very wise in stating that I had been too hard on myself then. Why don't we accept ourselves and be more gentle as we learn the parenting role?
It was a very nice morning! In her letter I wrote about my hopes and dreams for her. Most interesting that a great deal of the trials in her life have dealt with Mark which was so contrary to what I had wished for her.
Her birth was grace. I was eclamptic and going into a coma as the doctors did a c-section. Then there was this tiny little blond perfect baby girl. I will always be grateful for Mark's strength in being there and seeing his wife almost dying and his beautiful baby being born. Regardless of how things turned out in our marriage...he was incredibly brave and noble on that day. I am grateful for his courage and the love he showed me in that operating room.
Maliea has been given unique life challenges. She has borne them well. She has overcome and worked hard on things that come easy to most people. She has continued to show love to everyone even when they reject her and are cruel. Maliea has a long journey and she teaches me each day to be more.
Her grand gift she chose at IKEA -yes we are addicted-A new deep red duvet cover and light duvet with matching pillow cases and sheets.
On to being a grownup Maliea. Wow 18 years!!! Thanks for letting me be your mother in this life, thanks for teaching me and loving me! I am truly blessed by knowing you.

Monday, May 22, 2006

6 years ago on May 13 a little girl was born

Every birthday that Lydia has is a special one...that's just the way it is. Sunday we also celebrated her turning 6 years old. I found a book and the "I hope you dance" song to give to her. It's her song and the Spirit spoke to me through that song telling me to hold on and to give faith a chance when 6 years ago I didn't think that there was any. The last page has a girl all grown up dancing on her wedding day! I hope and pray for that. Through Lydia I have seen and learned to believe in miracles. The fact that they can happen everyday to ordinary people. She has touched so many lives and has brought a grace with her that blesses our lives every day. I know that God does watch out for us, I have experienced too much, had many angels support me and many many amazing 'not of this world' happenings to not believe. And while she still struggles and is in alot of pain on most days, she keeps smiling and we keep on this journey!

Maliea's graduation

This weekend was a very very full one! Maliea graduated from Seminary on Sunday evening. They had a wonderful ceremony and had great youth speakers. The music was incredible and very moving. It was nice to see Maliea so happy that she had accomplished this. They gave her a beautiful diploma and she just glowed all night long!

wedding no.2

Same place , different wedding, much more fun when the couple is madly in love and is appreciative of everything! YES I really really decorated that cake. For years I have said I don't do cakes but I wanted something really nice for this couple and I did it! It felt so good to be creative and have it turn out looking so nice! Of course it was hard to take it all apart a few hours later and chop it up for the guest to eat.

We only had about 4 1/2 hours to decorate so we strung lights and tulle. It still looked fairly magical but I want to work on getting better at ceiling decor. We used the backdrops for draping and making entry ways which created a romantic effect. It was nice!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


It started last night at about 10:40 walking out of Walmart; there my red van was sitting in an upfront parking place that Harold had afforded me and it was shining a little in the lamplight. I was overcome with a feeling of gratitude that I've got this paid off van that runs fairly well and life is good. It continued this morning early as I awoke to my husband stroking my face so lovingly expressing how much he was glad I am in his life and we have a little one together. Who was of course laying right in the middle. Maliea and I headed to Phoenix and I was blessed with a softened heart towards the child who put the diaperbag in the wrong car this morning. I admired how much Maliea is brave and didn't complain one bit as she had to give 6 vials of blood. Phoenix was Phoenix but our waitress gave us the luxury of a long lunch and we never felt rushed. Thayne didn't fuss once the whole trip. The storm greeted us with fierce intensity as we climbed out of the valley. I love storms! We arrived home to one of the reasons I love living here the weather. The light rain and cool breeze were perfect! Just one of those days when even though everything is still ordinary , it feels like all is right in my world!

Sunday, May 14, 2006


This is what the building looked like when we first saw it. This set up is someone elses... then we had less than 6 weeks to create and design to make it remarkable

after decorating


Absolute success!!! The purple/blue wedding reception was incredible! Probably the best work I have done so far. Mucho, Mucho thanks to Carrie, Travis, Julie, Chaiya, Maliea and especially Marissa who all worked their little tails off and are incredibly sore and hurting today. I have had 3 hours and 40 mins of sleep. My husband is wonderful! After sleeping in the back of his truck the night before on the Father/Sons campout, he came and worked so hard at getting the food out and making it look amazing. We learned alot and had fun! The pictures are horrible but maybe if you crinkle your eyes you can get an idea.

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

day by day

I have been trying to post any kind of entry for days and blogger didn't want to let me. So here I am back. Counting down only a few more days to the purple/blue wedding. I am very discouraged by this woman. She was supposed to get me the final count and payment last Friday. Today after sending emails over the weekend etc.. I finally contacted her at work. We made an appointment to meet at 1:00.....then she didn't show. I finally went to her work and got a check which she refused to write out to my business account and flat out told me if I cashed it any time soon it would bounce.
I have worked so hard on this and this is totally disrespectful. Legally with the very detailed contract she has signed and has a copy of... I could chose to not decorate. But there is more involved here than just her. I really don't want her daughter to be heartbroken and not have a nice reception. So...... we will see how all of this works out.
On the other one...this couple is a dream! I am having a wonderful time working with pink peonies and white drapes!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

maddness begins

We are home and happy and very glad we left and had a break. None of the pics posted on here for some reason, I will try again.
Came home to jumping right into work centerpiece that is liked (finally) so now making 12 copies, finally got the blue organza and I am sewing like mad to catch up.
This is the fun part...the part I thrive on..the making it all come together part...
Can't wait to take pictures of the final transformation.
On to wedding #2 , I am going to do lots of draping and more elegance.