Tuesday, February 28, 2006

February 29th

Somewhere between the ether of today and tomorrow is our anniversary! Yes, we planned it on purpose this way. This morning we began the celebration by the ritual of banana eating. Although the third piece was shared with our son. Quite fitting. I can't wait until he is a teenager and we force him to share the banana with us and he thinks we are totally out there! Life is sweet.

Monday, February 27, 2006

The land of Ting Ting

Today had many many components! This is the land of Ting Ting. I have been designing centerpieces for the Boy Scout Blue and Gold Banquet tomorrow night. In the center is a container that we will have dry ice fog coming out of when the families have their dinner. The spiral things at the top, I spray painted gold. They really are called ting ting. Hopefully they will look as cool and futuristic tomorrow night as they do on my table this evening.
Tonight I also was able to drive my van for the first time in 6 months. I now have an official "Hayes" auto. My loving husband switched out the transmission with one from the parts van. The only odd thing is that now we shift from a little tiny cable. I call it innovative and it is now theft proof since it would totally confuse a real person. You just have to count as you are pulling on it or pushing it in so you get the right gear.
I also found a video of Lydia when she was about 5-6 months, its just a little clip that the physical therapist had taken. Lots of sad memories of difficult times but her little smile made up for all of it! But best of all is that she will be 6 in a few months. Here's a little song that says it all!

Thursday, February 23, 2006


This school year the older girls and I have been working on an American literature class. When we first began I had hoped to use the Great Courses on Tape series. The university professor on the videos was so boring we quickly ditched that. The great part though was it has a wonderful outline of books in chronological order. We have read Puritan poetry and other incredible prose that has really given them an political and social understanding of the time periods we have studied. We are to Moby Dick, which was a bomb when first published but some hail now as THE great American novel. It is interesting all the symbolism they attribute to the authors genius. I really want the girls to have enough cultural literacy that when things are referenced to and quoted that they "get" it. This has been a fun adventure so far. Although Maliea will probably never listen to the heartbeat sound on her sound machine again. I used it last week as emphasis for The Tell Tale Heart as I was reading.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


"No offense Maliea but I'm really glad you are not a joint in my body" - Chaiya
This statement was made while Maliea was trying to demonstrate a ball and socket joint in our Anatomy class today

Saturday, February 18, 2006


One of the best things about working for yourself is that you can chose who you want your clients to be! I made the choice to turn down the New Mexico wedding because it is just too much work for too little money and the client will not communicate with me. It is actually very liberating to just let this one go.
Michael and I are mediating hard about new choices in our lives. Ones that will fulfill our needs and help us create a positive life together. We miss traveling and exploring new places, the kids are going up too fast (like all kids do) and there is still so much we want to show and share with them.
I am trying to come up with a creative un-anniversary present/activity/day something for Michael and I at the end of the month. Anyone got any ideas?

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Hero of the Day

My very best friend Kristi!!!! Thank you for the soft towels, warm underwear and slightly tighter jeans. Yes, you are the best.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Secrets of TEC

This is a new feature. Here you will learn little known items of this amazing blogger.
Today's entry: I have a Harry Potter toothbrush

Friday, February 10, 2006

Over the edge

Riddle: What do a gallon of bleach, an ex -husband, crying teenager and a flood have in common?
Answer: My evening
Mark called this evening to tell me he's buying a house, marrying the girlfriend and to give me the exact date he will file to stop Maliea's child support, so he can better afford the new house and wife with three children.
The sewer overflowed all over the entire bottom floor of both bathrooms.
That equaled a very nice plumber who got paid double time
hence the gallon of bleach to clean up the nasty sewage that had proceeded to creep every where.
Meanwhile middle daughter is very upset because she thinks that her and her siblings weren't "good" enough for Mark to be a decent human being.
I can't think of any good ideas for ten centerpieces based on futuristic design for a banquet at the end of the month.
Yesterday I bought doughnuts that had bugs flying around in the box and cheese that was completely molded in the package when I opened it for dinner.
I think the nervous breakdown just got 3 months.
So once again rescheduled for when I am 91 3/4 years old.

American Consumerism

Last night or I should say early this morning, at about 4 am Lydia and I were engaged in conversation. Yes, 4 am! She and Thayne chose to both be wide awake and wanting to play. I took them out to the Living room to make sure they did not wake up Michael. Sitting close on my lap I proceeded to tell Lydia of all the wonderful places that I wanted to show her. The ocean with its amazing beaches in Hawaii, the redwood forest with tree trunks bigger than daddy's car, Mt. Rushmore, the Grand Canyon, Statue of Liberty and on and on. I was describing these places in detail and her attention was rapt. When I couldn't list anymore of what I thought the coolest places in the US were I asked her," Where else should I take you?" In her sweet 5 year old way she said," Out the driveway, up the road.... to Walmart!"

Monday, February 06, 2006

Body shots- warning

Due to requests to show the body for full identification, we have made the choice to release photos here. Next of kin has been notified. If anyone has any more information on this crime please forward the info. You may remain anonymous.

Friday, February 03, 2006


Chaiya, " I want to play with an impact drill"
I don't think we will let her out with the construction workers anytime soon.


Since Fann Construction and ADOT have made our lives miserable, I am considering placing a large sign on the top of the UFO that states: Trapped by ADOT Please Send Food
Maybe people would take pity on us and drop food off at the top of the inaccessible driveway and then our grocery bill would be less.

Crime scene and morgue photos

This is the photo from the morgue. We hesitate to post the body photo without the sheet
This is the crime scene photo where his body was located. If you have sensitive children please do not let them see these pictures.

The Victim

Details are sketchy but we found the body yesterday. Michael discover him head down across the street near the corner of Rosser and Hwy 89. The first sighting of the body occurred early yesterday morning when Michael went to talk to the construction foreman about the driveway. There he was right by the foreman's foot but Michael couldn't get to him. The next occurred as Michael was stopped at the light later in the day. It was 11:00 pm last night when Michael finally told me that he had spotted the victim. I couldn't believe he had just left him out by the road so I made him go get the body and bring it in.
There are some serious questions that still have to be answered. How could he have been out there for a few months and not have any mud or other serious signs of dirt anywhere on him? We know the approximate day that he must have met his fate. Some of his body adornments were mangled but his body is in amazing good shape considering what he should look like after all this time. There is not a broken appendage and his head is completely intact. We have been reviewing the photo of the others who were at our house the day of the disappearance. His description doesn't match any of the photos we have but we know he was here.
Our best guess about the accident was that he was tossed out the window of a moving car.

If you were at our home on a Friday morning early in December and have any information about this crime... please make a comment immediately. The victim has red hair, dark brown skin tone and has the remnants of blue shoes. Unfortunately the facial features are unrecognizable. Due to the sensitive nature of the crime we are still considering if it is appropriate to post morgue photos.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


"Careful, careful he's got a sword in his mouth!!!" Me to Quayde as he is carrying Thayne across the living room
(okay it was a plastic toy one)