today's message
So several weeks back, over a month ago I signed up to receive these fun little messages from the universe. They are from this great site and they are usually right on and joyful.
Today's message was this:
"If you could live this life over, Tracie, would you still want there to be the same challenges?
Loaded question, huh?
Yeah, you cherry-picked each and every one. And you knew exactly what you were doing."
In awe of you - The Universe
I was out buying peanut butter at Basha's for a $1 a jar and stopped to grab a bite to eat (by myself). The cashier lady knows us well and mentioned how surprised she was at seeing me without all the kids. I told her I escaped. I truthfully don't know her name , she takes our order maybe 2 times a month. She then expressed how wonderful she felt Lydia was and how happy it makes her feel when she sees Lydia smile. She then told me that she could feel how great of a spirit Lydia was. I honestly told her that Lydia has brought me joy every single day of her life.
So would I still want the same challenges? Are they really challenges or just joy in disguise?
I'm thinking they expand me and even with the sorrow, the joy is always there.