Tuesday, September 27, 2005


"What is asked of us as parents is sometimes more than we would expect of any person. That is as it should be; for as parents we have been given the wonderful challenge of growing as human beings while at the same time giving the highest service possible."
-Franklin Kane

Monday, September 26, 2005

what fun!

Two great images from the fair! Oh what fun we had.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Vibrationally fulfilled

The days have been so full this week that I haven't had a chance to sit down and blog. Thursday evening we enjoyed going to the fair with our children. It was perfect weather, the cool just tempting us as we ran from ride to ride. This year was cleaner and much better than in the past. Our friends from the school group were there also. Lydia and Emily had a blast riding around and around in the strawberry ride. For two little five year olds they sure can make it spin! Friday night Michael and I went back to the fair just us. Michael is VERY interested in old tractors so we sat and watched them pull for awhile. Explored all the exhibits and then went out to eat dinner at Applebee's. It was his birthday treat from his mom. On Saturday I took Nana to the airport then was blessed to attend a workshop in Fountain Hills (courtesy of Kristi , thank you so much) featuring Dr. Harold Grandstaff Moses. It was incredible!!!!! We learned about the vibrational signatures of stars, patterns that music makes, how to increase our own vibrations to be more intune to the Spirit and so, so much more. One of the highlights that I will never forget was the creation of our personal "signature" tune. It was a small enough group that he could bless each of our lives by letting us lay under the grand piano and play our very own personal song. The music spoke so deeply to my soul, the recognition, the understanding and it is very sacred to me. It was enlightening, enjoyable and even the food was incredible. I highly recommend going to a workshop with this man if you ever have the chance.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Yesterday we created a fun afternoon exploring Watson and Willow lakes. There is a very interesting archological dig site over at Willow lake. I took this picture while there. Which is now my desktop picture because I love it! The larger view is of a spiral sun. Tomorrow I will upload some incredible pictures of the dells that we took. Hopefully Sony Image Station will bring up the video clip that I worked on to show you what I have been creating. I'll let you know as soon as its there. Off to Phoenix tomorrow, gas is too expensive.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Abundance is not a number or acquisition. It is the simple recognition of enoughness.
-- Alan Cohen

Monday, September 19, 2005

new idea

I uploaded a new computer program today that might bring about a change of mind about doing brochures. A dvd or cd that future clients could take home and look at might be just as cost effective in the long run. I need to play more with the program. That is why I am posting just past midnight, been playing and having fun. Maybe I will do both, that would be fun too. I love what I do!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Busy, busy

Bright and early this morning, a small squawk emitted from a little boy who wanted his mommy. It was 6:12 am he did not go back to sleep. I then set out to accomplish a few tasks and made the choice to list them as I accomplished them. By 10:00 am the list was to 14 major items which included grinding wheat , making 2 loaves of bread and homemade pancakes, folding a load of laundry, prepare a lesson plan for a American Literature class for the older girls , changing 4 very wet diapers etc... Made the choice to not continue the list for the rest of the day because if I really knew how much I accomplished I might get tired. :)

Friday, September 16, 2005

Excellent day

Excellent day! Morning: 1 baguette doesn't quite make it when you have 5 friends and delicious homemade cheese. Helena is the hero for running to Safeway to grab 2 more baguettes. Judy is the hero for making the best homemade cheese I have ever tasted. Afternoon: Goldwater Lake + best friend + cake and presents = renewing and relaxation. Had a great time sharing thoughts and feelings while pushing kids on the swing. Evening: Nanny treated us all to the China Buffet. Thank you , thank you! Lydia ate 5 1/2 chicken on a stick things, her tummy is huge right now!!! It was a wonderful meal with wonderful company. A very satisfying day.

odd quote of the day

Michael yesterday at a thrift store upon observing a nut dish
"I have often contemplated on how a walnut looks like a brain"

my cream puffs

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Blogger seems to be having a little trouble letting me post a photo of what I worked on today. The cream puffs were quite supreme but they were not as flaky as I would have liked. Need to experiment with them a little more but only one batch at a time. I doubled the batch and got quite a bit more than I bargined for. I ate way way too many. Michael's mom arrived safely despite Michael getting mixed up and finally meeting her in baggage claim. Everyone got a nap today but me. So that means I am the only one tired right now! Think I can get in bed before 10:30 ? maybe.

Truth and peace

Picked up a book tonight by Dr. Wayne Dyer for Michael's mom who will be here tomorrow. On the opening page he writes exactly how I feel... "......I experience the presence of God in most of my waking moments. It's a feeling of contentment and satisfaction that's beyond anything I might convey in a book. I've come to know the peace of Spirit in my life, and because of this knowing, all of my concerns, problems, accomplishments and accumulations diminish in importance."
Take what you know and expand. It brings much peace, much peace! Especially when you don't know how to put your foot forward on the path the next day. Faith is the opposite of fear. Life is hard but never impossible. He is always with us.
Blessings for your day!!!!

Monday, September 12, 2005


The letterboxing hike was refreshing strenuous as we progressed up the hill. We all need to get into a little better shape or maybe I should just speak for myself. The view from the ruins was incredible and there was just the right amount of breeze rushing past us to keep us cool. Maliea did a great job hiking up the huge rocky trail. It was Thayne's first letterboxing experience, he even got to eat at the ruins. Quail and javalina poop were quite prevelant. There were veins of quartz running through the rock and lots of mica littered the ground. It was a great morning. Check out our pictures link for more.

Sunday, September 11, 2005


A man came to a guru and challenged him, "I will give you an orange if you can show me where God is." The guru answered, "I will give you two oranges if you can show me where God is not."
-- Author Unknown

Saturday, September 10, 2005

busy, busy

I started working on preparing the information and pictures for the brochure I am creating for the business. I need to finish up lesson plans and schedules for the kids' school work. Michael's mom is coming to spend 10 days with us starting on Wednesday and I would like to have more of the house in order. Today had a hint of fall in the wind, just the right little nip of cool as it brushed past me. Soon , very soon it will be time for hot chocolatey mornings. Curled up in my comfortable chair with a throw wrapped around as the steam floats up from my cup. For now though I concentrate on brochure prep, school prep and mother-in-law prep

Friday, September 09, 2005

Soap Opera

Okay all, can anyone tell me why just sitting around on your rear end all day doing nothing but waiting in a hospital makes one so exausted? :)
So I got there at 10:30 am for check in, for the MRI that was supposed to be at 11:30 or so we were told. At 12:15 I went to ask how much longer the wait would be. "Oh," she says "You aren't scheduled till 1:00, didn't they let you know?" So at 2:30 Lydia is finally taken back. I wasn't allowed in at all, got absolutely no answers and was told the doctor would call me next week sometime. We finally got home at 10 til 7:00 which made my husband 2 hours late for work.
Maybe this is where grey hair comes from.
We don't have t.v. here at home, I watched Days of Our Lives at the hospital today. I haven't seen that show in 17 years....how come all the actors are the same and haven't changed much? My life was much simpler when I was sooooo concerned about Marlana, Bo, Hope, Roman and all the trials and tribulations those poor people had in their lives.......maybe thats the key I just need to watch t.v. again and my life will be cake.

Quote of the day

Chaiya said, " Slightly better times ahead"

Thursday, September 08, 2005

pros and cons

On the positive side today: frozen yogurt, letterboxing at the lake, a few extra hours sleep, got several boxes of books and kitchen stuff unpacked. On the negative side today: couldn't find the letterbox after significant hunting, the van broke down and I missed my church enrichment meeting tonight. Just think with the van taking a break from being on the road, I will be doing my part saving a precious resource ( gasoline) by not driving.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Sometimes I am so filled with deep sorrow that I fear if I let it out, it would never quit. Courageous and Brave were not on the list of titles I wanted. It becomes a "feel the fear and do it anyway" thing. Waited 1 hour and 10 minutes today for a 5 minute appointment that took 1 hour and 45 minutes to travel to. Only to have the doctor tell me to do what I was doing in the first place.
We have a nurse who does not realize how truly valuable she is to me. It is one thing to work on a patient, it is quite another to have to constantly work on your own child. Cindy comes a couple times a week. It helps me maintain a balance to turn over a bath, or a trach tie change etc... to her care. They are small things but to just not have to do it for a day here , a day there helps me so very much.
We go to the hospital on Friday for a MRI to see where Lyd's spinal cord is. I am still not sure I can with good conscious say yes to this spine surgery.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Once again

Yes, once again it is quite late in the evening. Actually it is almost tomorrow. I was studying some marketing websites and staying up waiting for my love to return from work. Alas, sleep is almost overcoming my senses. Tomorrow is a doctor appointment day in Phx. Then returning to unpack more boxes, in the fondest hope of getting this house organized. Hope your day was a successful one. I managed to create paths in this new home of ours. Man! I have a LOT of books.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Past the backyard

Navigating the slope past the backyard, we entered into a small paradise. After their adventures yesterday evening the kids were hopeful that Lydia, Thayne and I could experience their discoveries. Watch your footing here we come. Tracks, flowers, crawdads and cool water were our late afternoon experience. Check out the link to our pictures at the right and see what is just past the backyard.

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Michael has stated the obvious. It might be wise to create a blog entry when one is less exhausted. He failed to see the connection between Barbie and storage of extra supplies. I am sure there is a connection some where in the brain of mine that takes over after 10:30 pm. Now what I do know is that when we lived completely off of our food storage, several years ago, jam and flavored drink mix went fast. Flavored drink mix is something we rarely use in everyday life but when you can't get a Dr. Pepper anything besides water taste good. I am sure Barbie doesn't have to worry about food storage but she does have to worry about shoes and sore feet.

Tonight my children and my love are out hiking in the preserve. It is getting quite dark, they are not back yet and the coyotes do start to yip and howl about this time. They have an almighty flashlight to protect them and show them the way.

Church in our new ward presented us with almost as many small babies as in a maternity ward at the hospital. Thayne will have lots and lots of friends as he gets older. Quayde was a little sad about being in a new place but he did okay. Chaiya the ever popular, already knew a girl in her class and Maliea enjoyed it also.

Family just walked in with wildflowers , tales of crawdads and lots of animal tracks! Going to relax and relive their adventure.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


One of the things I enjoy most is friends with opinions. I had a superb afternoon visiting with my friend Judy, she knows her mind and also makes incredible deviled eggs. Of the many dissertations this afternoon, we would really like to figure out how in the world Barbie can stand to walk on her toes constantly. So question of the evening.... what one item do you feel you need to stock up on?

Friday, September 02, 2005

Red tape and war crime

I have no understanding and no frame of reference of the evil that lurks in men's hearts as they plunder, pillage and rape. My heart is grieved for the survivors of Katrina, who now have to be survivors of "war". Why , oh why are FEMA and the others so caught up in the bureaucratic crap that they can't provide the simple things. Gravely disappointed I am in how all of this has been handled. As I read the reports, watch the video and look at the pictures it is quite overwhelming that our country responded so poorly. It is not the citizens who have donated, offered and come through with help. It is our government who has failed to follow through.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Completed, finished, done! A new book, a new chapter and a new page. Keys were returned to Patti today for the Chino house. A great many major life events occurred there. It was our refuge and our sanctuary for four years. We grew and learned, cried and laughed. I fell in love again and birthed a baby there. I am grateful to Patti for seeing our needs and filling it with a home. As I closed the door for the last time today, it was with gratefulness, happiness and a little tinge of sadness.


Truffla Trees

As we meandered our way back to our abode this afternoon, the sharp contrast of landscape to our home caught all of our view. The trees, the trees, the wonderful trees! It seems the Eminent Domain law took over at quite a rapid rate. Bull dozers and other grandiose equipment were hard at work while we were gone. A good acre of the preserve to the south and all the trees that once stood betwixt the road and our front yard have been eliminated. Quayde stood soberly at the fence surveying the loss, feeling sadness and anger. Our landlord has apparently been trying to fight this event for years but what the government desires, the government acquires. The backyard will remain intact, thank goodness! It will be intriguing to find out where our driveway will deposited after all is said and done. Dr. Suess is one of my heroes. May we all develop our unique gifts to bless the world and fulfill our missions in creative and fun ways. I expect the coyotes and the other creatures are not very pleased.