Okay all, can anyone tell me why just sitting around on your rear end all day doing nothing but waiting in a hospital makes one so exausted? :)
So I got there at 10:30 am for check in, for the MRI that was supposed to be at 11:30 or so we were told. At 12:15 I went to ask how much longer the wait would be. "Oh," she says "You aren't scheduled till 1:00, didn't they let you know?" So at 2:30 Lydia is finally taken back. I wasn't allowed in at all, got absolutely no answers and was told the doctor would call me next week sometime. We finally got home at 10 til 7:00 which made my husband 2 hours late for work.
Maybe this is where grey hair comes from.
We don't have t.v. here at home, I watched Days of Our Lives at the hospital today. I haven't seen that show in 17 years....how come all the actors are the same and haven't changed much? My life was much simpler when I was sooooo concerned about Marlana, Bo, Hope, Roman and all the trials and tribulations those poor people had in their lives.......maybe thats the key I just need to watch t.v. again and my life will be cake.