our backyard!
The problem with moving is the hunt. Tonight it has been trying to find the new baby monitor or the cord to the old one. After an hour of 4 of us looking, it has been concluded that they still must be at the old house. Of course we did not search every box... I now understand how Carrie has lost things in all the moves she has made.
I miss Carrie! Living in the middle of nowhere, 52 miles from the nearest grocery store, must drive her crazy. It would me! At least with everyone else I can email, IM, call etc....but not her. Well, I can call if she positions herself with one foot on the tailgate, to the right , facing north so her cell phone gets reception. Oh and only between the hours of 9pm and 6 am or something like that. Which means, come winter I'll never get to talk to her unless she parks her rear end in a snow bank.
I'm totally jealous that Michael gets as much sleep as he does. How in the world does he sleep through the many many times I get up in the middle of the night with Lydia's medical stuff and nursing the baby. Someday when I am old, I'll be able to get as much sleep as I want.....then I won't need it :)
Tomorrow resumes the hunt for places to put everything and enough time to get it all finished and maybe just maybe I'll find the baby monitor.